Embark on an exciting journey through the city in the captivating game Urban Racer, offering four distinct gameplay modes. Explore the bustling streets of a vibrant metropolis during rush hour, managing your fuel consumption and mastering the art of maneuvering through urban traffic. Push the boundaries and take on rugged off-road trails, where stunning visuals bring each natural landscape to life. Be prepared for unexpected obstacles, from unpredictable pedestrians to thrilling police pursuits. Customize your vehicle's appearance and performance to perfection, and even bring your faithful canine companion along for the ride. Whether you're outsmarting the authorities or blazing new paths, *Urban Racer* guarantees an adrenaline-fueled adventure.
- W, A, S, D / Arrow Keys: Accelerate / Steer / Brake
- Left Shift: Activate Nitro Boost
- C: Change Camera Perspective
- G: Activate Slow Motion